Rabu, 10 September 2014

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            We camped in the mountain last holiday.It was very beautiful there.The air was fresh.The location of our camp was on top of a hill,so we could see the scenery around us.It was amazing.It was green everywhere.It was also easy to get water as it was near a small river. In fact,the water for ablution was always streamed down.You see the water is as clear as a crystal.We brought a lot of food from home.There were some breads,nuggets, milk, and many more.We brought cooking utensils for cooking.
            On the first day ,we spent our time setting up tent and exploring the surrounding area. I was happy to find that there were many campers there. It was not frightening at all at night in the forest as it was enjoyable that night.

            On the next day we finished our challenge from the older member of youth red cross SMAN 3 Bandung.It was really nice and full of experience

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