Rabu, 12 November 2014

Bakti Desa

            Bakti Desa was an annual program for SMAN 3 Bandung’s student  to visit a village and help the villager. Bakti desa was held on 23-25 October 2014 at Resmi Tingal village. Each student live in one of the villager’s house and then the student help their daily activities.
            On the first day, every students from SMAN 3 Bandung gathered at SMAN 3’s field. They were divided by classes. And then they went to the village at 8 am with angkot. Then, we arrived at 10 am, we gathered in the village hall and have the lunch.
            After the lunch, all students went to the foster parent’s house. Me and my team was placed at cinengkelan district. We were placed with social class’s students and acceleration class’s students. We meet our foster parents and we introduced ourselves.
            After that, on the first day afternoon, we help our foster parents to cook the meal. We tried to use a very traditional stove called “tungku”. We cook a fresh meal from the farm around this village.
            On the evening, we gathered with the other students from the same cinengkelan district. We pray together and share logistic to the poor villager. On the same night, we also gathered with the villager to read the holy quran in the mosque.
            On the next day , we followed our foster parent’s daily activities. Our foster parent’s name was Rohmat. Sir Rohmat was a helper at a villa on cinengkelan district. Then our team help them by cutting the bushes, harvesting the crops, and many more. After that, we were took to a natural water spring located at the village hill. It was really fun. After that, on the evening, we gave an education about health to the villager.
            On the last day, we went to the villa for the last time. On there, we took some photos with our foster parent’s Mr.Rohmat, we took some photos when the sun started to rise , it was very beautiful. After that, we went to the village hall again and meet the other students. After that we went to school again. Bakti desa was an amazing experience.


Sabtu, 01 November 2014


One month ago, SMAN 3 Bandung  create a  culture festival / festifal show entitled matswapati. Matswapati was held at the Bali Street field, Bandung City, Indonesia. The Executor of this event was SMAN 3 Bandung’s students. They had prepared for this event many months previously. They prepared the artist, the decoration, the food area, and many more.
            Matswapati was opened at 10 am, it was opened by a traditional musical instrument called calung. Calung was made from bamboo. After that, the others traditional culture like Benjang, Dangdut orchestra, Degung, and Reog was showed. After that , there was a performance from Musik Klasik 3. Musik Klasik 3 was one of the extracurricular from SMAN 3 Bandung that studied about classical music. After that, the next performance was pencak silat. Pencak silat was one of traditional defense sport just like karate ,tae kwon do, etc. After that, the next performance was from TIloe’s theatre and Keluarga Paduan Angklung 3. Tiloe’s theatre was one of the extracurricular from SMAN 3 Bandung that studied about how to be an actor/ actress. Keluarga Paduan Angklung 3 was one of the extracurricular from SMAN 3 Bandung that studied how to play a traditional musical instrument called angklung.  After that, for enliven the event , the committee was also give some traditional games for the visitor, They played cheerfully.
            On the afternoon, the other visitor had fulfill matswapati area, they came from many place of Bandung to see Matswapati Culture Festival. So many traditional culture was performed on that afternoon,just like S ambasunda Junior, Wayang Golek Giriharja, Saung Angklung Udjo, and Indonesian Bamboo Community. After that, there was the top performance from Barsena, Kelompok Vokal 3 , and an Indonesian famous artist named Glenn Fredly, there is also a traditional magic performance called Debus. The Debus Player given an ability to do a dangerous thing just like eating the glasses, walking on the fire,etc.

            Matswapati give an amazing experience. We hope the next culture festival from SMAN 3 Bandung will be better and better.

Sabtu, 11 Oktober 2014


School is supposed to be a place where students feel safe and secure and where they can count on being treated with respect. The reality, however, is that a significant number of students are the target of bullying episodes that result in serious, long-term academic, physical, and emotional consequences. Unfortunately, school personnel often minimize or underestimate the extent of bullying and the harm it can cause. In many cases, bullying is tolerated or ignored (Barone 1997; Colvin and others 1998).

When teachers and administrators fail to intervene, some victims ultimately take things into their own hands, often with grievous results. In its recent analysis of 37 school shooting incidents, the U.S. Secret Service learned that a majority of the shooters had suffered "bullying and harassment that was longstanding and severe" (U.S. Secret Service National Threat Assessment Center 2000).

This Digest examines the problem of bullying and some of its effects, discusses steps schools are taking, looks at ways peers can discourage bullying, and identifies other strategies that are being pursued.

What is Bullying and how Prevalent is the Problem?
Bullying occurs when a person willfully and repeatedly exercises power over another with hostile or malicious intent. A wide range of physical or verbal behaviors of an aggressive or antisocial nature are encompassed by the term bullying. These include "insulting, teasing, abusing verbally and physically, threatening, humiliating, harassing, and mobbing" (Colvin and others). Bullying may also assume less direct forms (sometimes referred to as "psychological bullying") such as gossiping, spreading rumors, and shunning or exclusion (O'Connell and others 1999).
In a recent survey of more than 15,000 sixth- through tenth-graders at public and private schools in the U.S., "30 percent of the students reported bullying others, being the target of bullies, or both" (Bowman 2001). The information, gathered in 1998 as part of the World Health Organization's Health Behavior in School-Aged Children Survey and released in April 2001, is "the first nationally representative research on the frequency of bullying among students in the United States" (Bowman).

Although the WHO survey queried only students in grades 6 through 10, younger students are also victims of bullying. In a study of fourth- through eighth-graders, about 15 percent reported being severely distressed by bullying and 22 percent reported academic difficulties stemming from mistreatment by peers (Hoover and Oliver 1996).

According to research done by Janice Gallagher, one out of four children is bullied, and one out of five defines themselves as a bully (Schmitt 1999). Approximately 282,000 students are physically attacked in secondary schools every month (Schmitt).

Many avoid public areas of the school such as the cafeteria and restrooms in an attempt to elude bullies. For some students, the fear is so great that they avoid school altogether. Every day approximately 160,000 students stay home from school because they are afraid of being bullied (Vail 1999).

What is the Impact of Bullying on Targeted Students?
Bullying can have devastating effects on victims. As one middle-school student expressed it, "There is another kind of violence, and that is violence by talking. It can leave you hurting more than a cut with a knife. It can leave you bruised inside" (National Association of Attorneys General 2000).
Students who are targeted by bullies often have difficulty concentrating on their school work, and their academic performance tends to be "marginal to poor" (Ballard and others 1999). Typically, bullied students feel anxious, and this anxiety may in turn produce a variety of physical or emotional ailments.

As noted above, rates of absenteeism are higher among victimized students than rates among their nonbullied peers, as are dropout rates. According to Nansel and colleagues (2001), "youth who are bullied generally show higher levels of insecurity, anxiety, depression, loneliness, unhappiness, physical and mental symptoms, and low self-esteem." When students are bullied on a regular basis, they may become depressed and despondent, even suicidal or homicidal. As a report by the National Association of Attorneys General notes, bullying "is a precursor to physical violence by its perpetrators and can trigger violence in its victims."

The psychological scars left by bullying often endure for years. Evidence indicates that "the feelings of isolation and the loss of self-esteem that victims experience seem to last into adulthood" (Clarke and Kiselica 1997). Studies have found a higher level of depression and lower self-esteem among formerly bullied individuals at age twenty-three, even though as adults these individuals were no more harassed or socially isolated than a control group (Nansel and others).

What can Schools do to Counteract Bullying?
According to Froschl and Gropper (1999), a written anti-bullying policy distributed to everyone in the school community can help to send the message that bullying incidents will be taken seriously. Of course, to be effective, the policy must have the support of school staff, and it must be fairly and consistently applied.
To discern the nature and extent of the bullying problem in their school, administrators can distribute surveys to students, school personnel, and parents (Colvin and others). Once baseline data are collected, school personnel will be better able to judge whether any subsequent changes are actually making a difference.

Debra Pepler, director of the LaMarsh Centre for Research on Violence and Conflict Resolution at York University in Toronto, suggests mapping a school's "hot spots" for bullying incidents (Ruth Walker 2001). Once problematic locations have been pinpointed through survey responses or a review of disciplinary records, supervision can be concentrated where it is most needed.

Barone points out that providing better supervision is not necessarily costly. For example, principals can ask teachers to stand in the doorways of their classrooms during passing time so that the halls are well supervised.

To achieve permanent changes in how students interact, Colvin and others recommend not only delivering negative consequences to those who bully, but teaching positive behavior through modeling, coaching, prompting, praise, and other forms of reinforcement. Similarly, Ballard and others encourage schools to take a proactive stance by implementing programs that teach students "social skills, conflict resolution, anger management, and character education."

One 15-year-old girl said, "I don't know how you do this, but we need to make acceptance cool" (National Association of Attorneys General).

At Central York Middle School in Pennsylvania, all students sign anti-teasing pledges and are taught how to appropriately manager their anger. Since this practice was started, the school reports a reduction in fistfights. At Laurel Elementary in Fort Collins, Colorado, students undergo "Be Cool" training in which counselors present them with provocative situations and help them recognize the difference between a "hot response" and a "cool response" (Labi 2001).

How can Peers Discourage Bullying?
O'Connell and others (1999) assert that "peers may actively or passively reinforce the aggressive behaviors of bullies through their attention and engagement. Peer presence is positively related to the persistence of bullying episodes." Similarly, psychologist Peter Fonagy says, "The whole drama is supported by the bystander. The theater can't take place if there's no audience" (Labi 2001).
According to Salmivall (1999), bullying is increasingly viewed as a "group phenomenon," and intervention approaches should be directed toward witnesses as well as direct participants. Salmivall encourages the development of anti-bullying attitudes among peers through awareness-raising, the opportunity for self-reflection and awakening feelings of responsibility, and role-playing or rehearsing new behaviors.

To discourage peers from acting as an "audience" to bullying behavior, Seeds University Elementary School (UES) in Los Angeles has a policy of sending bystanders as well as bullies for after-school mediation. Students and their parents sign contracts at the beginning of the school year acknowledging they understand it is unacceptable to ridicule, taunt, or attempt to hurt other students (Labi). If an incident occurs, it can be used as an opportunity to educate students about alternative ways of resolving similar situations in the future.

Teaching respect and nonviolence should start in elementary school. Some suggest that nonviolence training conducted by older peers can be particularly powerful because, as one high school student put it, younger students "don't look up to old people; they look up to teenagers" (National Association of Attorneys General).

A survey administered by Naylor and Cowie (1999) found positive effects of peer-support systems designed to challenge bullying. Students accessing support, offered in the form of mentoring, befriending, mediation, and counseling, as well as their peers who provided the support, both derived benefits.

What Else can be Done?
Some states are beginning to require schools to adopt anti-bullying policies. Colorado, New Hampshire, and West Virginia recently passed legislation that makes it mandatory for schools to have anti-bullying policies. Massachusetts has allocated one million dollars to "bully-proof" its schools.
Students who bully often need intensive support or intervention, so it is important for schools and social-service agencies to work together. Perpetrators are frequently from "hostile family environments" (Ballard and others). They may be victims of acts of aggression at home, or witness aggression among other family members.

Parents can play a role in reducing bullying. William Pollack, a psychologist, says, "Research shows that the success of any program is 60% grounded in whether the same kinds of approaches are used at home" (Labi).

If everyone works together to discourage bullying and respond to incidents, fertile conditions are created for students to develop a greater sense of connection to their peers and for seeds of respect and acceptance to grow.

Rabu, 17 September 2014

Inspiring Person

Prophet Muhammad SAW

 He is the symbol of mercy, justice and patience. He is the river of forgiveness, understanding, love and respect.

He is the extraordinary hero: {PROPHET MUHAMMAD} (May peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)

"An excellent pattern have ye in the messenger of God"

1400 years ago, at a time when prejudice ruled, hatred blinded and ignorance darkened all horizons, the light of prophet-hood shone upon him with bedazzling spirit, captivating morals and highly respected judgement Muhammad (PBUH), divinely changed the once racially – blinded barbarian nation to an exceptionally peaceful loving community.

Of humble origins, Muhammad was born in Mecca on the 12th Rabi 1st, 20th August in Southern Arabia.

Orphaned at the age of six, he was reared in modest surroundings and he was illiterate. At the age of twenty-five, he married khadijah, a wealthy widow, who although was by fifteen years his senior, yet, their twenty five/six years of marriage were happy. During those prosperous years, full of love and happiness, they had three sons and four daughters but all his sons died during his lifetime. After khadijah's death, the prophet married again. He even had more than one wife at one time, but all his wives except one, were widows whom he married to support.

For many years, Muhammad faced opposition to his preaching, however he eventually triumphed in his mission with God's guidance.

George Bernard Shaw said about him: - "He must be called the savior of humanity. I believe that if a man like him were to assume the dictatorship of the modern world, he would succeed in solving its problems in a way that would bring it much needed peace and happiness" (the genius Islam, Singapore, vol.1 number: 8,1936)

When he died at the age of 63, this illiterate orphan had set an example which humanity badly misses despite all its prejudices.

As an orphan he had no means of income except his work, so he took no heed of his high ranked family, and worked whatever job he could to satisfy his needs of food and shelter. He worked as a merchant and his fair dealings further enhanced his reputation as "Al Amin", the trusty.

He was responsible for both the theology of Islam and its main ethical and moral principles and in many other respects, in short, a model to be followed universally in all aspects of life for man. In addition, He played the key role in establishing the religious practices of Islam.

And as Lamartine, the renowned historian speaking on the essentials of human greatness, wonders said:
"If greatness of purpose, smallness of means and astounding results are the three criteria of human genius, who could dare to compare any great man in modern history with Muhammad..."Philosopher, orator, apostle, legislator, warrior, conqueror of ideas, restorer of rational dogmas, of a warrior without images, the founder of twenty terrestrial empires and of one spiritual empire, that is Muhammad as regards to all the standards by which human greatness may be measured, we may all ask, is there any man greater than Muhammad.’(Lamartine, histoire de la Turquie, Paris, 1854, vol3, pp 276-277)

He presents all phases of life to follow: as an orphan, as a shepherd, as a son, as a father, as a husband, as a citizen, as a neighbour, as a humanitarian and a lover to children and orphans, as a supporter and a free worker for poor needy persons, as a tolerant teacher, as well as the first giver in the world to women, a right of full possession of property and inheritance from parents or other relations.

Before Prophet Muhammad came with His message of Peace (Islam), Arabs used to live in tribes, which were separated and they were almost enemies. There used to be wars between them every now and then, they used to fight for anything and everything, until He came to unite them under the sacred ties of Brotherhood. The great poetess of India says speaking on this character:” I have been struck over and over again by his indivisible unity of Islam that makes a man instinctively a brother”.

He worked out this relation till they became as one community represented as one body, if one of it’s organs suffered pain (got ill), the whole body will respond to it and feel pain and will spend many sleepless nights suffering, the same occurs when the body organs are in good conditions, the whole body will be well (feel well).

He once said:” None of you is a believer so long as he doesn’t love (prefer) for his brother what he loves (prefers) for himself.”(Birthright of man)

All great Religions have preached the same thing, but the Prophet of Islam had put it into actual practice. When He left Mecca with some of the people who believed in his message from God and joined Islam, heading towards El-Madina where he was greatly welcomed by it’s people. He had to work out the relation between El-Ansar (the ones who supported Prophet Muhammad) and El-Mohagreen (the ones who migrated with Him) to be more than just visitors in their country. He had to spread this feeling of brotherhood among them and He succeeded to combine them together under the ties of brotherhood, to the extent that for every one of them (El-Ansar) there was a brother from El-Mohagren.

No wonder, how this really helped them to live in peace and face their enemies strongly. They came to be as one family hard to be separated, feeling joy for one another, sharing sorrow in moments of sadness, and giving a hand to help, if needed.

Some people might not recognise its effect and importance in our lives, but we can see that it is fully recognised, as a system of life that provides solution for numerous problems that we face as a community and a system that may lead to either the failure or the success of a whole society.

Mahatma Ghandi speaking about Him, “I wanted to know the best of one who holds today’s undisputed sway over the hearts of millions of mankind…I became more than convinced that it was not the sword that won a place for Islam in those days in the scheme of life. It was the rigid simplicity, the utter self-effacement of the Prophet, the scrupulous regard for is pledges, his intents devotion to his friends and followers, his intrepidity, his fearlessness, his absolute trusting in God and His own mission.

These, and not the sword carried everything before them and surmounted every obstacle. When I closed the second volume {of the Prophet’s biography} I was sorry there was not for me to read of the great life.”

Finally, we would like to state that our choice of Prophet Muhammad wasn’t based merely on religion, but we chose Muhammad, the human being, who melted the hearts that were hard and strengthened the hearts that were tender

Rabu, 10 September 2014

Recount Text


            We camped in the mountain last holiday.It was very beautiful there.The air was fresh.The location of our camp was on top of a hill,so we could see the scenery around us.It was amazing.It was green everywhere.It was also easy to get water as it was near a small river. In fact,the water for ablution was always streamed down.You see the water is as clear as a crystal.We brought a lot of food from home.There were some breads,nuggets, milk, and many more.We brought cooking utensils for cooking.
            On the first day ,we spent our time setting up tent and exploring the surrounding area. I was happy to find that there were many campers there. It was not frightening at all at night in the forest as it was enjoyable that night.

            On the next day we finished our challenge from the older member of youth red cross SMAN 3 Bandung.It was really nice and full of experience

Sabtu, 10 Mei 2014

Pekerjaan dan Penghidupan layak

Pekerjaan dan Penghidupan Layak
·         Menurut Prof. Dr. Notonagoro:
Hak adalah kuasa untuk menerima atau melakukan suatu yang semestinya diterima atau dilakukan melulu oleh pihak tertentu dan tidak dapat oleh pihak lain manapun juga yang pada prinsipnya dapat dituntut secara paksa olehnya.
·         Menurut Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia
Kewajiban adalah sesuatu yang harus dilaksanakan
·         Hak Warga Negara Indonesia :
-   Hak atas pekerjaan dan penghidupan yang layak : “Tiap warga negara berhak atas
pekerjaan dan penghidupan yang layak bagi kemanusiaan” (pasal 27 ayat 2).
-   Hak untuk hidup dan mempertahankan kehidupan: “setiap orang berhak untuk hidup serta berhak mempertahankan hidup dan kehidupannya.”(pasal 28A).
-   Hak untuk membentuk keluarga dan melanjutkan keturunan melalui perkawinan yang sah (pasal 28B ayat 1).
-   Hak atas kelangsungan hidup. “Setiap anak berhak atas kelangsungan hidup, tumbuh, dan Berkembang”
-   Hak untuk mengembangkan diri dan melalui pemenuhan kebutuhan dasarnya dan berhak mendapat pendidikan, ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi, seni dan budaya demi
meningkatkan kualitas hidupnya demi kesejahteraan hidup manusia. (pasal 28C ayat 1)
-   Hak untuk memajukan dirinya dalam memperjuangkan haknya secara kolektif untuk membangun masyarakat, bangsa, dan negaranya. (pasal 28C ayat 2).
-   Hak atas pengakuan, jaminan, perlindungan, dan kepastian hukum yang adil serta
perlakuan yang sama di depan hukum.(pasal 28D ayat 1).
-   Hak untuk mempunyai hak milik pribadi Hak untuk hidup, hak untuk tidak disiksa, hak kemerdekaan pikiran dan hati nurani,hak beragama, hak untuk tidak diperbudak,hak untuk diakui sebagai pribadi di hadapan hukum, dan hak untuk tidak dituntut atas dasar hukum yang berlaku surut adalah hak asasi manusia yang tidak dapat dikurangi dalam keadaan apapun. (pasal 28I ayat 1).
·         Kewajiban Warga Negara Indonesia  :
-   Wajib menaati hukum dan pemerintahan. Pasal 27 ayat (1) UUD 1945 berbunyi :
segala warga negara bersamaan kedudukannya di dalam hukum dan pemerintahan
dan wajib menjunjung hukum dan pemerintahan itu dengan tidak ada kecualinya.
-   Wajib ikut serta dalam upaya pembelaan negara. Pasal 27 ayat (3) UUD 1945
menyatakan  : setiap warga negara berhak dan wajib ikut serta dalam upaya
pembelaan negara”.
-   Wajib menghormati hak asasi manusia orang lain. Pasal 28J ayat 1 mengatakan :
Setiap orang wajib menghormati hak asai manusia orang lain
-   Wajib tunduk kepada pembatasan yang ditetapkan dengan undang-undang. Pasal 28J ayat 2 menyatakan : “Dalam menjalankan hak dan kebebasannya,setiap orang wajib tunduk kepada pembatasan yang ditetapkan dengan undang-undang dengan maksud untuk menjamin pengakuan serta penghormatan atas hak kebebasan orang lain dan untuk memenuhi tuntutan yang adil sesuai dengan pertimbangan moral, nilai-nilai agama, keamanan, dan ketertiban umum dalam suatu masyarakat demokratis.”
-   Wajib ikut serta dalam usaha pertahanan dan keamanan negara. Pasal 30 ayat (1) UUD 1945. menyatakan: “tiap-tiap warga negara berhak dan wajib ikut serta dalam usaha pertahanan dan keamanan negara.”
·         Hak dan Kewajiban telah dicantumkan dalam UUD 1945 pasal 26, 27, 28, dan 30, yaitu :
1.  Pasal 26, ayat (1), yang menjadi warga negara adalah orang-orang bangsa Indonesia asli dan orang-orang bangsa lain yang disahkan dengan undang-undang sebagai warga negara. Dan pada ayat (2), syarat-syarat mengenai kewarganegaraan ditetapkan dengan undang-undang.
2.  Pasal 27, ayat (1), segala warga negara bersamaan dengan kedudukannya di dalam
hukum dan pemerintahannya, wajib menjunjung hukum dan pemerintahan itu. Pada ayat (2), taip-tiap warga negara berhak atas pekerjaan dan penghidupan yang layak bagi kemanusiaan.
3.  Pasal 28, kemerdekaan berserikat dan berkumpul, mengeluarkan pikiran dengan lisan, dan sebagainya ditetapkan dengan undang-undang.
4.  Pasal 30, ayat (1), hak dan kewajiban warga negara untuk ikut serta dalam pembelaan negara. Dan ayat (2) menyatakan pengaturan lebih lanjut diatur dengan undang-undang.
            Berdasarkan penjelasan diatas,penulis akan membahas satu jenis permasalahan yaitu tentang hak pekerjaan dan penghidupan yang layak.
·         Kebutuhan Hidup Layak yang selanjutnya disingkat KHL adalah standar kebutuhan yang harus dipenuhi oleh seorang pekerja/buruh lajang untuk dapat hidup layak baik secara fisik, non fisik dan sosial, untuk kebutuhan 1 (satu) bulan.Sejak diluncurkannya UU No. 13 tahun 2003 tentang Ketenagakerjaan, Pemerintah menetapkan standar KHL sebagai dasar dalam penetapan Upah Minimum seperti yang diatur dalam pasal 88 ayat 4.
Standar KHL terdiri dari beberapa komponen yaitu :
Jumlah Kebutuhan

Beras  Sedang
10 kg
Sumber Protein : 

     a. Daging
0.75 kg

     b. Ikan Segar
1.2 kg

     c. Telur Ayam 
Telur ayam ras
1 kg
Kacang-kacangan : tempe/tahu
4.5 kg
Susu bubuk
0.9 kg
Gula pasir
3 kg
Minyak goreng
2 kg
7.2 kg
Buah-buahan (setara pisang/pepaya)
7.5 kg
Karbohidrat lain (setara tepung terigu)
3 kg
Teh atau Kopi
2 Dus isi 25 = 75 gr
Nilai 1 s/d 10



Celana panjang/ Rok/Pakaian muslim
6/12 potong
Celana pendek
2/12 potong
Ikat Pinggang
Kulit sintetis, polos, tidak branded
1/12 buah
Kemeja lengan pendek/blouse
Setara katun
6/12 potong
Kaos oblong/ BH
6/12 potong
Celana dalam
6/12 potong
Sarung/kain panjang
1/12 helai
Kulit sintetis
2/12 pasang
Kaos Kaki
Katun, Polyester, Polos, Sedang
4/12 pasang
Perlengkapan pembersih sepatu

    a. Semir sepatu
6/12 buah

    b. Sikat sepatu
1/12 buah
Sandal jepit
2/12 pasang
Handuk mandi
100cm x 60 cm
2/12 potong
Perlengkapan ibadah

    a. Sajadah
1/12 potong

    b. Mukena
1/12 potong

    c. Peci,dll
1/12 potong



Sewa kamar
dapat menampung jenis KHL lainnya
 1 bulan
Dipan/ tempat tidur
No.3, polos
1/48 buah
Perlengkapan tidur

    a. Kasur busa
1/48 buah

    b. Bantal busa
2/36 buah
Sprei dan sarung bantal
2/12 set
Meja dan kursi
 1 meja/4 kursi
1/48 set
Lemari pakaian
 Kayu sedang
1/48 buah
 Ijuk sedang
2/12 buah
Perlengkapan makan

        a. Piring makan
3/12 buah

        b. Gelas minum
3/12 buah

        c. Sendok garpu
3/12 pasang
Ceret aluminium
 Ukuran 25 cm
1/24 buah
Wajan aluminium
 Ukuran 32 cm
1/24 buah
Panci aluminium
 Ukuran 32 cm
2/12 buah
Sendok masak
1/12 buah
Rice Cooker ukuran 1/2 liter
350 watt
1/48 buah
Kompor dan perlengkapannya

    a. Kompor 1 tungku
1/24 buah

    b. Selang dan regulator
 10 liter

    c. Tabung Gas 3 kg
1/60 buah
Gas Elpiji
masing-masing 3 kg
2 tabung
Ember plastik
 Isi 20 liter
2/12 buah
Gayung plastik
1/12 buah
900 watt
1 bulan
Bola lampu hemat energi
14 watt
3/12 buah
Air Bersih
 Standar PAM
2 meter kubik
Sabun cuci pakaian
1.5 kg
Sabun cuci piring (colek)
500 gr
1 buah
250 watt
1/48 buah
Rak portable plastik
1/24 buah
Pisau dapur
1/36 buah
30 x 50 cm
1/36 buah



 Tabloid/4 band
4 buah/ (1/48)
6/12 buah



Sarana Kesehatan

       a. Pasta gigi 
80 gram 
1 tube

       b. Sabun mandi 
80 gram
2 buah

       c. Sikat gigi 
Produk lokal
3/12 buah

       d. Shampo 
Produk lokal
1 botol 100 ml

       e. Pembalut atau alat cukur
Isi 10
1 dus/set
6/12 botol
Obat anti nyamuk
3 dus
Potong rambut
Di tukang cukur/salon
6/12 kali
2/12 buah



Transportasi kerja dan lainnya
Angkutan umum
30 hari (PP)



Daerah sekitar
2/12 kali
(2% dari nilai 1 s/d 59)
Beberapa hal yang menjadi kriteria pekerjaan yang layak adalah pendapatan dan jam kerja:
·         Pendapatan yang mencukupi adalah hal yang penting dalam memastikan kesejahteraan para pekerja dan merupakan komponen penting dalam pekerjaan layak. Kedua hal ini diukur dalam hal jumlah dan pendapatan sesungguhnya, agar dapat memastikan bahwa pekerja menerima pendapatan yang memadai dalam memenuhi kebutuhan dasar mereka.
·         Jam kerja menjadi bagian penting dari pekerjaan yang layak. Indikator jam kerja yang layak terkait dengan jam kerja yang berlebihan, jam kerja yang kurang dan under-employment terkait waktu agar dapat mengkaji apakah jam kerja para pekerja tetap sama dalam hal memberikan keseimbangan antara kehidupan pribadi dan profesional dan juga apakah periode istirahat harian, mingguan dan tahunan yang diterimanya memadai. Jam kerja ditetapkan 40 jam per minggu; dan untuk lebih dari 40 jam per minggu maka pekerja berhak atas uang lembur (lihat indikator kerangka hokum untuk rincian dan pengecualian) Pekerja juga berhak atas 12 hari cuti per tahun,dan hari istirahat mingguan umumnya pada akhir pekan.
Tanya Jawab

1)Apakah kebutuhan hidup layak di Indonesia sudah terpenuhi?
Kalau berbicara tentang kehidupan yang layak kita pasti lebih dominan ke aspek ekonomi, karena dilihat dari pendapatan perkepala rumah tangga kita bias tahu keluarga itu memiliki kehidupan yang sudah layak atau belum.  Yang kaya semakin kaya dan yang miskin semakin miskin, itulah potret kusam negri ini, bagaimana tidak uang yang seharusnya untuk rakyat tetapi malah di ambil oleh orang yg duduk dibangku pemerintahan, diambil oleh orang yang memiliki pangkat.
2)Apakah hak pekerjaan yang layak di Indonesia sudah terpenuhi?
Masih banyak masyarakat kita yang belum mendapatkan pekerjaan yang layak. Mereka melakukan pekerjan serabutan dan dengan upah yang sangat tidak sesuai sekali dengan pekerjaan mereka.
3)Mengapa kedua hal tersebut belum terpenuhi di Indonesia?
 Sebenarnya antara pekerjaan dan penghidupan yang layak sangat berkaitan sekali. Contohnya adalah jika kita ingin mendapatkan kehidupan yang layak, maka mau tidak mau kita juga membutuhkan pekerjaan yang layak. Ini juga menjadi faktor pendidikan yang kurang. Karena jaman sekarang ini, jika ingin mendapatkan pekerjaan yang bagus kita harus  memiliki latar pendidikan yang jelas.
4)Bagaimana solusi untuk masalah ini?
Mungkin solusi untuk masalah pekerjaan ini adalah dengan banyak mengadakan kursus gratis dari pemerintah untuk mendapat keterampilan bagi masyarakat yang tidak jelas latar belakang pendidikannya dan mereka pun jadi mempunyai ide kreatif dan bisa juga malah mereka yang membuat lapangan pekerjaan. Dengan begitu mereka akan mendapan pekerjaan yang layak dan otomatis kehidupan mereka membaik, hidup tidak kekurangan lagi dan bisa membeli makan. diantara masyarakat dan pemerintah harus saling mendukung dengan satu tujuan, yaitu membuat penghidupan yang layak untuk indonesia dan harus merata dari ujung pulau barat sampai ujung pulau timur. Sehingga tidak terjadi kesenjangan sosial diantara masyarakat indonesia.

            Hak dan Kewajiban merupakan sesuatu yang tidak dapat dipisahkan, akan tetapi terjadi pertentangan karena hak dan kewajiban tidak seimbang. Bahwa setiap warga negara memiliki hak dan kewajiban untuk mendapatkan penghidupan yang layak, tetapi pada kenyataannya banyak warga negara yang belum merasakan kesejahteraan dalam menjalani kehidupannya.
            Untuk mencapai keseimbangan antara hak dan kewajiban, yaitu dengan cara mengetahui posisi diri kita sendiri. Sebagai seorang warga negara harus tahu hak dan kewajibannya. Seorang pejabat atau pemerintah pun harus tahu akan hak dan kewajibannya. Seperti yang sudah tercantum dalam hukum dan aturan-aturan yang berlaku. Jika hak dan kewajiban seimbang dan terpenuhi, maka kehidupan masyarakat akan aman sejahtera. Hak dan kewajiban di Indonesia ini tidak akan pernah seimbang. Apabila masyarakat tidak bergerak untuk merubahnya.
            Apabila kita melihat dari hak seorang warga Negara untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan dan penghidupan yang layak,ternyata jumlah pengangguran di Negara ini masih cukup tinggi bahkan diantara mereka ternyata tidak sedikit yang berpendidikan tinggi. Pemerintah dinilai masih belum dapat membuka lapangan pekerjaan yang cukup bagi masyarakat. Akibatnya, banyak masyarakat yang terpaksa harus pergi ke luar negeri menjadi TKI (Tenaga Kerja Indonesia) untuk mencari pekerjaan guna memenuhi kebutuhan hidupnya.Dilihat dari tabel kebutuhan hidup layak,ternyata masih banyak warga Negara yang tidak dapat memenuhinya,masih banyak gelandangan yang tidak memiliki rumah bahkan tidak mampu membeli pakaian yang lebih layak.
            Apabila kita melihat dari pendapatan yang memenuhi kriteria pekerjaan layak,ternyata masih banyak yang belum bisa memenuhi hak pekerjaan yang layak.Pemerintah telah menetapkan upah minimum untuk setiap wilayah,namun belum semua pekerja bisa mendapat upah yang layak, bahkan pada pekerja PNS dan BUMN pun masih ada yang gajinya dibawah upah minimum.
Contoh: gaji PNS golongan 1A berkisar Rp 1,260,000 hingga Rp 1,847,000   .Padahal UMP           masing masing  provinsi di seluruh Indonesia berkisar Rp 1,150,000 hingga Rp 2,441,000
            Apabila kita melihat dari jam kerja yang memenuhi kriteria pekerjaan layak ternyata masih banyak yang belum bisa memenuhi hak pekerjaan yang layak.Contoh yang paling serint terjadi adalah para PRT(Pembantu Rumah Tangga)yang bisa bekerja 12 jam perhari, bahkan masih ada pula kejahatan berupa perbudakan yang berakibat si PRT tidak bisa mendapat cuti.